Friday, July 1, 2011

Good News All Around!

We have internet again! Our toilet actually flushes now (no more pouring water into it to flush it) AND I had my first and second hot showers! We just completed our first full week and our first week of volunteering. To say we are tired, would be a gross understatement! However, we are all still in good spirits and are enjoying our time here, especially all of the mishaps and almost mishaps with the forms of transportation here. Tonight, we decided to take a rickshaw to dinner because we were all tired and ended up not at Tung Fong, where we wanting to go, but at Hong Fung, where Katie accidently told the rickshaw driver to go. We met a nice man that tried to give us directions but we ended up either misunderstanding him or getting wrong directions all together. Fortunately, we ran into a group of MOC volunteers we had met at Daya Dan and they were able to give us the directions we needed.
   Volunteering at MOC has been harder than any of us were expecting. Between the heat, the humidity and the feeling of not accomplishing much of anything our five hours with MOC is exhausting. We have meet some really nice people and have had fun playing with the kids though.
   Freeset has definitely been something we have all really enjoyed. We went Thursday from 11 till about five (with a lunch break at Ricky's: best Indian food we've had so far!). We helped Annie package pencil cases for shipment in the morning and worked with some of the ladies cutting strings off finished bags. The women were all very welcoming and I really just enjoy the spirit of the place. Annie made us coffee after our lunch break: winner! which is just another added bonus.
  All in all, we've had a good week, figuring the ins and outs of our surroundings and little by little getting settled into a routine that may finally feel normal by the time we leave.

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